Flor Play - the Rancho Scorpio Blog

  • How Plants and Cannabis Changed my Life.

    I have always been a plant person but I was certainly not always a cannabis person. If you told me a few years ago I would be bootstrapping a hemp enterprise I would have been quite shocked. In 2020 plants changed my life forever. Let me tell you the story of why I will never be the same, and why I am forever grateful to plants.
  • How Rancho Scorpio Came to Be!

    This is the story of how an impossible sounding dream became my dream life. This particular deam still include a lot of hard work, but it is the joy of a lifetime. Dig in for the story.

what we've been up to lately

  • How Plants and Cannabis Changed my Life.

    I have always been a plant person but I was certainly not always a cannabis person. If you told me a few years ago I would be bootstrapping a hemp enterprise I would have been quite shocked. In 2020 plants changed my life forever. Let me tell you the story of why I will never be the same, and why I am forever grateful to plants.
  • How Rancho Scorpio Came to Be!

    This is the story of how an impossible sounding dream became my dream life. This particular deam still include a lot of hard work, but it is the joy of a lifetime. Dig in for the story.